Janine's Bowen Therapy is situated in a calming studio in Thirlmere. The Bowen technique is used, which is a series of gentle movements over muscle and connective tissue at specific points on the body. These moves aim to stimulate your autonomic nervous system, endocrine system and fascial network to activate the body's own healing mechanism. A perfect way to relax, recover and rebalance.

Conditions that respond well to Bowen Therapy include:
Back and sciatica pain, digestive problems, ear and TMJ problems, migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, hip, knee, ankle and foot concerns, hormonal and menstrual irregularities, neck and shoulder problems, respiratory and asthmatic complaints, stress and anxiety, sports injuries and more.

As Bowen Therapy is very gentle it can be enjoyed by small babies, the elderly and frail and everyone in between. Bowen Therapy is performed over light clothing. Everybody is welcome and client comfort is their focus. Their motto is "Make Bowen your first choice, not your last resort".

Janine's Bowen Therapy stock all natural Australian made pain relief products including Zea Relief Kunzea Creams and The Physic Gardens Soothing Balms.